The Central Committee

Chief Patron: Shri Ganesh Singh, MP, President: Pushphas Pandey, Vice Presidents: (i) Gautam Singh, (ii) Urvashi Garg General Secretary: Amlan Dash, Organising Secretary: M V Jaiprakash, Treasurer: Sudhnashu Nagwekar, Zonal Secretaries: Rajesh Kumar (North), Arnab Pramanik (East), G V Sunil Kumar (West), P C Suresh Babu (South), Suraj Shukla (Central), Devesh Tiwari (NE). Executive Committee Members: Ganesh Ganesh, Lallan Kumar, Nalin Rai, Aditya Kumar Singh, Parit Gupta, B Venketeswara Rao, G S Geeta Acharya, Damodar Mishra. Advisor: D K Mazumdar

Friday, 23 June 2017

Agenda Annual discussions with Management 03 July 2017

Agenda Annual discussions with Management 03 July 2017

1. Restoring parity with RBI on service conditions

a)        Assured personal Promotion to grade 'A' and grade 'B' officers on lines with that prevailing in RBI
b)        Providing full pension after rendering 20 years of active service in the bank
c)         Making available the enhanced Housing loan at par with that in RBI.
d)        Making available the consolidated loans n advances at par with that in RBI
e)         Allowing en-cashing of OL on yearly basis as is the rule in RBI
f)         Making available the enhanced medi-claim on declaration basis from the day of its enhancement. 
g)        Enhancement of Ph.D. allowance so as to make it at par with that prevailing in RBI.
h)        Enhancement of Faculty allowance to make it at par with that prevailing in RBI
e)         Assured promotion to grade 'D' officers after putting in 4 years of service in the grade by creating supernumerary posts in grade 'E' , as is being practiced in RBI. 
f)        Compassionate Policy/Package to be at par with that prevailing in RBI
 g)       Allowing the family of the officer dying in harness to retain the leased accommodation or staff quarters till the date when the deceased officer would have deemed to be retired.
h)        Waiving of outstanding loans & advances outstanding against the officers dying in harness.

2. DDMs Issues

a)        Revision of DDMs package and assessment of workload on DDMs. 
b)        We have come to know that the external committee was formed to look into the aspect of DDMs functioning. We had sought permission with the bank to interact with the committee, which was denied. We had also requested the bank to provide us with a copy of the committee's recommendation on the issue so that AINBOA can also provide its feedback, we are yet to have any response from the bank on this request of ours too. Now, it has come to our knowledge that the bank has issued instructions to the ROs on the DDMs functioning and expectations from the DDMs based on the recommendations of the committee.  AINBOA also feels that DDMs' involvement on errand and non-planned activities, that too basically towards government's non-financial schemes has increased tremendously which has resulted into dilution and side-tracking of DDMs’ core business areas act as a development facilitator by indulging into coordination, planning and liaison. We urge the bank to discuss the issue with the AINBOA as with each passing day the job profile of the DDMs is getting modified and an ever increasing work load is taking a heavy toll on the DDMs functioning.
c)         Allowing all the DDMs to retain their family at a chosen headquarters, irrespective of the district to which the DDM may have been posted

3.         Up-gradation of pension and opening up of pension option for non op-tees.

4.         Not to force the officer of Chhattisgarh RO to shift to bank owned residential units and allowing the continuance of the facility for the leased flat till the construction of office building is completed at Naya Raipur.

5.         Issues pertaining to the transfer policy, especially on raising the tenure to 6 years in case of difficult DDM centers and non-consideration of a few genuine cases of requests raised to the bank by the respective officers.

6.         Non Conduct of JCC as per the schedule.

7.         Unit Specific issues

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