The Central Committee

Chief Patron: Shri Ganesh Singh, MP, President: Pushphas Pandey, Vice Presidents: (i) Gautam Singh, (ii) Urvashi Garg General Secretary: Amlan Dash, Organising Secretary: M V Jaiprakash, Treasurer: Sudhnashu Nagwekar, Zonal Secretaries: Rajesh Kumar (North), Arnab Pramanik (East), G V Sunil Kumar (West), P C Suresh Babu (South), Suraj Shukla (Central), Devesh Tiwari (NE). Executive Committee Members: Ganesh Ganesh, Lallan Kumar, Nalin Rai, Aditya Kumar Singh, Parit Gupta, B Venketeswara Rao, G S Geeta Acharya, Damodar Mishra. Advisor: D K Mazumdar

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Likely Questions contd........

1. Medical Scheme – Recent changes
2. IDD – New activities / items
3. Balance Sheet : RIDF deposits
4. 2 major achievements in their district (for DDMs)
5. Without any technical background are facing any problem in the district.
6. Is any share capital is ifused for NABARD in Budget
7. What are the funds allocated to NABARD in the budget
8. Difference between front office, back office and mid office
9. Components of KCC
10. How MEDP is useful, has it helped
11. REDPs success rate
12. Which section you are mostly working
13. Who is the funding agency under UPNRM
14. Why are NPAs increasing in UPNRM ? is it OK
15. What are the measures do we take to reduce NPAs
16. When we have watershed programmes in Gujarat, why do we require UPNRM
17. What is the recent name change for NFS
18. How are the UPNRM loans different from OFDD Loans
19. What is the recent change in NFS policy
20. What is size of our balance sheet
21. What is ‘Swach Bharat Abhiyan’? how will it improve Ntl and state econom?
22. Dormancy of FCs – reasons
23. Jan Dhan Yojana
24. Various funds of NABARD
25. Administrative charges for subsidy schemes
26. Why are farmers are reluctant for insurance
28. Which Fund for infrastructure innovations
29. Whether budget any fund allocation fro WIF this year
30. If no above (29) future of warehouse financing
31. What is margin for giving subsidy in ICD?
32. Whether we sell PLP, is there demand
33. GLC collection, whether we get activitywise
34. Can I ask you about AMC contract
35. Int. rate about DOR
36. What are the business target for RO
37. New activities in RIDF
38. How cropping intensity is increased
39. Sources of funds for Ho operations
40. Achievements in district
41. SAMIS rate for submission and uality of submission
42. Rates of interest in ICd
44. Strengths amd weakness of Tripura
45. Board of Directors, presently how much?
46. 2 achievements noted in the proceedings of BSM.
47. Method of dealing Parliament Questions?
48. RTI experience in Mumbai
49. Notable achievement in Gujarat
50. What are the procedures involved in conducting training programme
51. Who are the members of JMC and how JMV of rural godowns are conducted.
What steps are taken in the case of deficiencies.
52. What are the highlights of your district
53. Latest project – financial inclusion
55. Status of farmers clubs in your district
56. Position of Banks in district
57. Position of LDB
58. How you monitor RIDf projects
59. How LDB profit can be less
60. RIDF- How funds are coming
61. Interest diffenrential How is worked out
62. Where it was going
63. Other funds where now it is going
64. Coop. Bank status in district- Goa
65. New funds announced for Budget wherefrom funds will come
66. Efforts put in by DDM for cooperative banks
67. Wadi How many in the district
68. Composition of wadi- Set up
69. Major Crops in district
70. RMD – dsk worked
71. Business propsects in surat
72. About previous NE state
73. Investments of NABARd-B/s
74. RIDF – lending route
75. RIDF – Ripple effect – success story
76. How Surat CCN is lending at 0%
77. Krishi (Mela) Bazaar
78. Why so many tag districts in Gujarat

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