CHAIRMAN 20 December 2013
Respected Sir ,
Many thanks for giving us an opportunity to call upon you and extend
our Best wishes to you on yours taking over as the Chairman of NABARD.
We are sure that AINBOA and the top management, under your
leadership, will together work towards creating a stronger, vibrant and dynamic
NABARD. We assure you, on behalf of all the officers, full and sincere
commitment towards the organisational goals. I am sure that under your able
patronage the legitimate interest of officers community will be safe guarded
and maintained.
We take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the following
major issues of concern which are agitating the mindset of officers community
for last two/three years.
1. A few of the recent policy decisions viz. Proposed amendments to
NABARD Act, 1981, Direct Finance to DCCBs, Direct Loans to NGOs/Corporate
bodies, closure of DDM offices and merger of functional departments have led to
the dilution of DFI status of NABARD and is a move to commercialize the
activities of NABARD, taking the sheen out of our assigned Developmental Roles.
2. The move to re-organise and/or restructure the top management of
NABARD by doing away the posts of Chairman and MD and combining it into a CMD,
is a retrograde step, having long lasting bearing on the good governance in the
organisation as also stunted career progression of the top management which has
percolatory effects down below the line.
3. The ill conceived and ill structured Transfer, Recruitment and
Promotion Policy has resulted in a wide scale resentment and demoralisation of
the officers community and is a major source of industrial dispute, which
AINBOA wants to resolve amicably through negotiations and discussions. We also
request you to re-look into the decision of appointment of officers on
Contractual basis.
4. The after effects of launching the HRMS package in a hurry has
resulted into a situation where the well laid down rules and Procedures
governing the NABARD TA Rules, LTC Rules and Medical Assistance Scheme is under
threat and has led to undue delays and resentment among the officers.
5. Regarding Statutorisation of NABARD Staff Rules, 1981, we are of
the view that the Rules, once statutorised, will have long term bearing on the
service conditions of officers and as such it should be done after thread bare
discussions with all concerned including AINBOA and a hurry-bury approach may
be avoided.
6. We also request you to withdraw the Contentious Circular
No.60/PPP-32/2013 dated 25/07/2013 which is a direct attack on the Existence,
Prestige and Functional freedom of a legitimate body like AINBOA.
We also solicit an early conduct of
an already overdue Annual Discussions of the Bank with the CEC of
Thanking you once again and wishing you the best of times ahead.
With Seasons Greetings
(Dr. D. S.
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