The Central Committee

Chief Patron: Shri Ganesh Singh, MP, President: Pushphas Pandey, Vice Presidents: (i) Gautam Singh, (ii) Urvashi Garg General Secretary: Amlan Dash, Organising Secretary: M V Jaiprakash, Treasurer: Sudhnashu Nagwekar, Zonal Secretaries: Rajesh Kumar (North), Arnab Pramanik (East), G V Sunil Kumar (West), P C Suresh Babu (South), Suraj Shukla (Central), Devesh Tiwari (NE). Executive Committee Members: Ganesh Ganesh, Lallan Kumar, Nalin Rai, Aditya Kumar Singh, Parit Gupta, B Venketeswara Rao, G S Geeta Acharya, Damodar Mishra. Advisor: D K Mazumdar

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Representation by Grade 'D' Officers to NBOA and NBOA's Reply

Copy of the Representation by Grade 'D' Officers

Reply by GS to the above representation:

Dear Naikwadiji and other senior friends,

Please refer to your letter dated 13/11/2013 (probably inadvertently dated as 13/10/2013) addressed to Organising Secretary, AINBOA, regarding promotions to Grade 'D' to 'E'. In this context the following is brought to yours and others kind notice-

11. We understand your and others pain and anguish on the subject matter and are as sensitive to the issue as we are for other concerns.

22. On the one hand you are saying that the entire promotion policy (including the clause on residual service) has been challenged by the AINBOA in the court of law and in the same breath you are casting doubts on the intent of your own association by stating that ' this is unfortunate that both the association and management have decided to neglect this old lot...' 

33. Needless to state that as far as AINBOA is concerned, we have never demarcated between our memberships in any ways including 'old & young', 'senior & junior" etc etc. If you and others would have taken care to go thru our representations/umpteen letters and draft promotion policy submitted to the bank then probably you would not have bracketed the association with the management on this issue.

44. Regarding your representation dated 30/10/2013 addressed to Hon'ble chairman, NABARD, and a copy given to us (not even endorsed to us), will it would not have been in the fitness of the things that instead of directly giving the representation to the bank, my senior members would have taken the AINBOA in confidence and submitted the mass memorandum on the associations letter head? We would have, as office-bearers, loved to sincerely and earnestly, forward the same to the bank...

55. More so why a similar representation-signed in the capacity of individual officers- was not sent to the bank when the bank was effecting promotions for the panel year 2013-under the same sub-judice policy...

66. Anyway, as members all of you have the right to always castigate the association for any wrong perpetuated by the management...Even on 30/10/2013, during our meeting with the chairman, we have raised strong objections to the new promotion policy , including towards the 'residual age' clause...if you glance thru the presentation made by AINBOA , it is very clearly indicated thereat that the present policy subjugates and suppresses the 'seniority' and 'experience' on the name of 'merit'. Hope all of you understand that we are ready to face-and have faced- all sort of onslaughts with grit and determination from the top management without diluting and compromising our stands on the issues faced by the membership but at the same time we are also human beings and at times get hurt by the undeserving brickbats which we receive from our members-that too from the senior members...

Having said this, we can only assure you that we are seized of the issue and will be once again earnestly and sincerely taking up the issue with the management on 18/11/2013 and we are hopeful that the present management will take some favourable decision on this important issue...

If this communication of ours has caused any unintentional hurt to any one of you then the same is deeply regretted...

Fraternally yours,

Dr D S Chauhan

General Secretary

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