The Central Committee

Chief Patron: Shri Ganesh Singh, MP, President: Pushphas Pandey, Vice Presidents: (i) Gautam Singh, (ii) Urvashi Garg General Secretary: Amlan Dash, Organising Secretary: M V Jaiprakash, Treasurer: Sudhnashu Nagwekar, Zonal Secretaries: Rajesh Kumar (North), Arnab Pramanik (East), G V Sunil Kumar (West), P C Suresh Babu (South), Suraj Shukla (Central), Devesh Tiwari (NE). Executive Committee Members: Ganesh Ganesh, Lallan Kumar, Nalin Rai, Aditya Kumar Singh, Parit Gupta, B Venketeswara Rao, G S Geeta Acharya, Damodar Mishra. Advisor: D K Mazumdar

Friday, 8 February 2013

Strike Call

The Chairman
Head Office, Mumbai

Dear Sir,

Notice to Strike Work on 20/02/2013

You may be aware that all the umbrella organisations of Associations & Trade Unions representing the Officers and employees of the banking Industry in India have served a notice to strike work on 20 & 21 February, 2013. The National Council of the NBOA at its meeting held from 28-30 January, 2013 at Lucknow has decided that in order to protest the present on-goings at NABARD and to extend fraternal support to the striking workmen and employees of the banking industry to proceed on Strike on 20th February, 2013 and hold a lunch time demonstration on 21st February, 2013. This organizational move is to demand -

1.       From GoI -
         i.            Concrete measures to contain price rise,
       ii.            Concrete measures for employment generation,
      iii.            Strict enforcement of labour laws,
     iv.            Universal Social Security for both unorganized and organized workers and creation of a NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND,
       v.            Stoppage of disinvestment of all Central and State PSUs,
     vi.            No outsourcing of permanent and perennial jobs, assured wages to Contract Workers at par with Regular Workers,
    vii.            Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure Universal Coverage and Guaranteed Minimum Wages of Rs.10,000/- p.m. linked to Price Index,
  viii.            Removal of all ceiling on payment of and eligibility for Bonus, Provident Fund, increase in quantum of Gratuity,
     ix.            Assured Pension for all,
       x.            Compulsory Registration of Trade Unions within 45 days and immediate ratification of ILO Conventions No. 87 (Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise) & 98 (Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining).
2.       From NABARD/RBI/GoI -
1.       Maintain and strengthen the DFI status of NABARD with concessionary fund flow from Govt / RBI.
2.       Stop recruitment of DMDs and instead fill up the posts of MD and EDs in NABARD.
3.       Strengthen and widen organic link with RBI in all possible ways.
4.       Stop taxation of NABARD and instead constitute a separate fund with NABARD tax liability to channel fund to farmers at concessionary rates.
5.       Stop corporate funding by NABARD diluting NABARD mandate.
6.       Fix responsibility and recover the loss to NABARD, if any, through direct / indirect corporate funding.
7.       Drop New Pension Scheme for NABARD Staff and ensure assured pension including updation and improved family pension to all.
8.       Stop and withdraw all contract form of employment in NABARD and immediately restore the agreed compassionate employment in NABARD.
9.       Stop victimization of officers by levying financial sanction, uncalled for disciplinary proceedings and eviction from quarters.
10.   Immediately stop harassment on HRMS package by decentralized sanction including salary.
We may also like to emphasise and remind here that this organizational move has nothing to do with the Banks recently introduce Selection & Recruitment Policy which is under sub-judice at the Hon’ble jurisdiction of Mumbai High Court.
Yours Sincerely,

(Dr D S Chauhan)
General Secretary

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