The Central Committee

Chief Patron: Shri Ganesh Singh, MP, President: Pushphas Pandey, Vice Presidents: (i) Gautam Singh, (ii) Urvashi Garg General Secretary: Amlan Dash, Organising Secretary: M V Jaiprakash, Treasurer: Sudhnashu Nagwekar, Zonal Secretaries: Rajesh Kumar (North), Arnab Pramanik (East), G V Sunil Kumar (West), P C Suresh Babu (South), Suraj Shukla (Central), Devesh Tiwari (NE). Executive Committee Members: Ganesh Ganesh, Lallan Kumar, Nalin Rai, Aditya Kumar Singh, Parit Gupta, B Venketeswara Rao, G S Geeta Acharya, Damodar Mishra. Advisor: D K Mazumdar

Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year's Wish


As we bid goodbye to 2012 and welcome 2013- let us learn from our mistakes and resolve not to repeat them and let us also remember good done to us by others and something good which we may have done to others-as we pray to GOD that others keep doing good to us let us RESOLVE to be humble, kind, benevolent and above all humane to each and everyone around us. Lets us also rededicate ourselves to sincerely and honestly serve our organisation and country. Let us try to do something which may bring a little smile on the face of our countrymen.
Let us also commit ourselves to resist all kinds of gender inequalities and fight for safeguarding the honor and dignity of the better half of the mankind at any cost. As a mark of respect to the departed soul of Delhi gang rape victim and in honor of the sentiments expressed by crores of countrymen on this issue NBOA APPEALS TO ALL OF YOU TO CELEBRATE ADVENT OF NEW YEAR SIMPLY AND SOLEMNLY AND AVOID FUN & FROLIC.
AINBOA wishes you and your near and dear ones with unbounded PEACE, GAITY and HAPPINESS in the coming New Year 2013...

Dr. D. S. Chauhan
General Secretary

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